2018 Professional Development Resolution

My New Year’s resolution for 2018 was to read a book a week (by audiobook), finishing 52 books this year. Why am I doing this as a resolution? Am I mad? My wife sure thinks so, as the average cost of one of these books is £10, it is likely that this resolution will cost me at least £520 (which is one of the reasons we aren’t going on holiday outside of Western Europe this year).  

Here is why I am doing this:

It will make me a better leader.  Arrogantly I believed for the last two years that with over 7 years military experience I would immediately be a great leader outside the armed forces. That experience did make me a good leader, but I must keep developing in order to become great.

Broaden my knowledge. It will give me a wider understanding of the world and what makes it tick, and as such give me an advantage over the challenges I face.

Increase my worldview.  It will open my mind to new ideas, new cultures, and new worldviews.

Help with Creativity. Exploring new ways of thinking and viewing the world helps us understand how we can add value to the world and encourages us to become the best version of ourselves as individuals and not a fleet of drones. We begin to see the world differently and we find new creative solutions because of it.

Because it is hard. A book a week is hard work it will take discipline and drive in order to achieve this. I am additionally writing a blog to ensure that the lessons I learn after reading each book are cemented into my mind, and I also hope that this will be a useful tool to help my friends and colleagues in choosing their next books.

Why have I waited until February to mention this blogging bit? Well because,

a.       I have actually been successful in keeping up the pace thus far, and

b.       a number of the books have really motivated me, and one specifically recommended starting a blog on something you are interested in. No better place and time to start than now.

So, after trawling through a number of websites with recommended reading lists, focusing on the books for personal and professional development (most of which I was apparently supposed to read before I turned 30…Oops), below is my draft list (subject to change through the course of the year).

Wish me luck!

1.       Creativity, Inc.

2.       Rework

1.       The Power of Habit

2.       Predictably Irrational

3.       Lean In

4.       The Lean Startup

5.       Good to Great

6.       The Start Up of You

7.       The Red Notice

8.       Leading Change

9.       McKenzie Mind

10.   FedEx Delivers

11.   The 7 Habits of highly Successful people

12.   Never Split the Difference

13.   Virtual Freedom

14.   How to Win at the Sport of Business

15.   Stress Test: Reflections of a Financial crisis

16.   The Intelligent Investor

17.   Security Analysis

18.   The Essays of Warren Buffet

19.   Losing my Virginity

20.   Finding my Virginity

21.   Innovators Dilemma

22.   Innovators Solution

23.   Business Adventures

24.   Mom Test

25.   Pitch Anything

26.   $100 Start Up

27.   How to Win Friends and Influence people

28.   Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

29.   Jack: Straight From the gut

30.   The Outsides

31.   Outliers

32.   The Clash of Cultures